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Adaptogens, Stress and Cortisol

Adaptogens, Stress and Cortisol


The stress is a non-specific reaction of an organism to various influences without dependence from their nature. It is known that the majority of pharmacological effects of adaptogens externally manifested as antistressor action (Kirilov, 1966*1). As it is considered that General Adaptation Reaction (GAR) begins with irritating of the peripheral terminals of nervous system, stimulation of a reticular formation, the central nervous system which through a hypothalamus activates secretory function of a forward lobe of a pituitary gland, which is followed by biosynthesis and release of ACTH, which in its turn stimulates the hyper secretion of the steroid hormones by the adrenal glands. It results in their functional hypertrophy. The adrenal cortex releases hormones of two kinds – gluccorticoids and mineralocorticoids. In conditions of stress basically is enlarged the amount of glucocorticoids to which the cortisol (Hydrocortisone) and its analog at rats – Corticosteron belong to. So, where the hormonal rearrangement of an organism in conditions of stress is directed to? Considering that all adaptive hormones (cortisol, catecholamine and insulin) the major factors of physiological regulation or energy metabolism, is possible to tell with confidence that it is directed first of all on its activation.

The leading role in realization of nonspecific reactions of an organism is played by catecholamines and glucocorticoids. The main glucocorticoids in humans is cortisol (Hidrocortizon) and with rats Corticosteron. However they (first of all cortisol), providing the development of a resistance of an organism, also enhance the catabolic processes. Such is the picture of the alarm stage of GAR. The organism cannot exist for a long time in such forced regimen. The mechanisms are turning on that lowering the production and hence the contents in a blood of counter-hormone of cortisol – insulin. Though it is realized the numerous effects in relation to regulatory influence of catecholamins and glucocorticoids in an organism. There come a stage of resistance of GAR.

Concentrations of cortisol in blood in a phase of a resistance can vary depending from the force of stressor and its periodicity (Panin, 1983*2).

  1. The contents of cortisol in a blood are on a high level during all period of tension. Such take place in case of constant influence of a strong irritant on an organism. As an example the intensive physical load can serve.
  2. Concentration of cortisol is a blood rises periodically depending on a phase of development of pathological process in an organism being in a strain. An example of such influence can be single exposition with the subsequent periods of worsening of radiation sickness.
  3. The level of cortisol is a little bit higher than a basal level, and the state of resistance is realized mainly due to down stroke of a level of insulin. As an example acclimatization to new climate=geographical conditions can serve.

In a phase of exhaustion there is a critical depletion of functional reserves, which cannot be compensated by tension of regulatory mechanisms any more therefore falling a level of functioning of adrenal glands is observed. There comes a death of an organism because of infringement of energy supply of adaptation process.

Application of adaptogens substantially modifies the general picture of hormonal rearrangement of an organism in conditions of stress. First of all adaptogens enhance the level of adrenal – glucagons reactions (mobilization of glucose) in a shock phase of alarm stage of GAR the development of which is not enough (Kulagin, 1976*3). At stressor influence after the adrenal glucagons reactions the system hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal cortex (HHAC) starts to be activated. Adaptogens influence its activity in various stages of GAR unequally.

During a shock phase GAR concentration of corticosteron (cortisol) under adaptogens grows faster, stimulating, thus development of adaptation process in an organism. This process allows an organism to achieve a counter shock stage of GAR much faster, preserving thus energy deposits of an organism which is in a phase of shock are not spent especially intensively.

Thus, influence of adaptogens on a system HHAC depends on its functional condition. In optimum doses adaptogens do not influence its activity in intact animals. In a shock stage of GAR they accelerate the intact animals. In a shock stage of GAR they accelerate development of stress reactions and in a counter shock stage display antistressor activity due to modulating action of the appropriate hormonal influences.

In a resistance stage, when the increased concentration of glucocorticoids is not so necessary for passing of adaptation processes and provokes predominance of catabolic processes above anabolic, adaptogens reduce their level. Thus they preserve functional reserves of an organism, providing essential extending of duration of a resistance stage. One of the possible mechanisms for reducing of glucocorticoids in blood exists in free and in bound state. Only free steroids cause a biological activity. Corticosteroids bound to protein play a role of reserve and are biologically inactive. So if at stressed animals in comparison with the control the binding activity of transcortin grew up by 50%, administration of an eleutherococcus against a background of stress enlarged those in 4 times. Similar action also rendered the administration of ginseng (Golotin, 1968*5). It is interesting to note that administration of eleutherococcus and ginseng to rats – long livers not subjected to stress, also resulted in sharp elevating of the binding activity of transcortin – 4.5 times and 6 times accordingly. This fact allows making rather exciting assumptions to which we shall return a little bit later. Thus the elevating of the ginding activity of transcortin not only reduces concentration of corticosteroids in blood but also causes building their reserve for use during resistance stage of GAR. It promotes not only extension of its duration but also prevents the dystrophy of adrenal cortex due to decreasing of its hyperactivity.

Thus in a shock phase of GAR (suspension of rats for skin cervical fold for 30 minutes) concentration of corticosteron (analog of human cortisol at rats) in a blood was increased more that in 4 times and under influence of summary glucoside fraction of eleutherococcus against a background of stress in 5 to 6 times.

In conditions of 15-hours stress ( a counter chock stage of GAR) concentration of corticosteron in a blood of control animals was 3 – 5 times higher that at intact animals while at rats administered with the summary of eleutherococcus flycosides in 1,6 times. Therefore the adaptogen rendered anti-alarm action (Dardymov, 1982*4). Similar results have been received in experiments with 24-hours immobilization. The sharp elevation of contents of 17-ketosteroids (17-KS) decomposition product of corticosteron) was marked in urine up to 8 times. Under influence of the summary of eleutherococcus the alarm reaction has been less expressed, and the content of 17-KS in urine has increased only in 4 times.

In experiment with application of stress factor of 15-minute intensive forced swimming with a load on tail, the following results have been received. The stress invoked the rising of concentration of 11-oxycortocosteroids in a blood 4 times. Preliminary administration of the summary fraction of eleutherosides 1 hour prior to swimming prevented such considerable accumulation of 11-oxycortocosteroids, which made 150% from a control level.

In other series of experiments the 15-minute swimming of rats invoked rising the concentration of corticosteron in blood in 2,6 times and decreasing in insulin to level of 54% from the control. Preliminary administration to animals of eleutherococcus extract prevented from the sharp exhibition of stress reaction. Concentration of Corticosteron made 122% level of insulin 61% from control (Dardymov, 1993*6). Ability of adaptogens prevented from the decreasing of insulin level is very important as prevents development of diabetes of tension. In addition to this, according to the modern concept of the biochemical mechanisms of stress the concentrations of corticosteron (cortisol) and insulin are closely interconnected and at a ratio of its concentration expressed in percentage reflects the compensatory abilities of an organism. In intact organism it makes 1. In above mentioned experiment with swimming in a group of animals subjected to stress it made 4.7 and in conditions of swimming against on a background of eleutherococcus administration – 2 i.e. came nearer to normal.

Thus adaptogens render a stress protective activity in a counter shock phase of the alarm stage of GAR with decrease of changes of catabolic nature in metabolism.

Coming back to the data on increasing of transcortin in binding activity under action of adaptogens at rats long-livers, it is possible to assume that this phenomenon can be one of factors of adaptogens determine the ability to enlarge lifetime of animals up to 10% (Golotin, 1972 *7). It is known that with the years in an organism the concentration of cortisol that reflect a level of cumulative stress during vital activity in enlarged. An important role during aging plays the activization of transcortin binding activity is capable to transfer the cortisol to the bound inactive form, reducing thus negative consequences of its catabolic activity.


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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