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HEALTH SECRETS REVEALED . . . The Best of Nature and Science Combined!

Russian Adaptogens


Russian Adaptogens

During the mid 1950’s, the Soviet government chartered their Academy of Sciences with the task to develop a product that would enhance the performance of their elite (i.e. Olympic athletes, Bolshoi Ballet, World Class Chess Players, and Cosmonauts). They had three key criteria. The product had to be totally non-toxic to human cells, help abnormal unhealthy cells get back to a healthy state and to help the body adapt to stress.

They put 1,200 scientists to the task. They conducted over 3,000 studies with 500,000 people. Their research went on for 45 years.

They found that when an individual was stressed, their adrenal gland produced a hormone in excess called cortisol.


      • Is highly toxic
      • Attacks muscle mass
      • Attacks organs
      • Diminishes muscle and organ strength
      • Recovery time is longer
      • Diminishes the immune system

The scientists went to work and decoded thousands of plants. They found 12 very rare plants in the far eastern Russian area called the Primorye. These plants would provide the basis for achieving their three objectives as well as control the excess production of cortisol. They coined the term "ADAPTOGEN" for those plants. Their elite were mandated to take the adaptogen extract every day. One of their studies was with an automobile factory with 4,000 workers. They had a very high incidence of absenteeism due to sickness. Over a 7 year period they reduced their absenteeism by 92.5%. If you took all the Olympic athletes in the 1996 Olympics that were taking the adaptogen formula and made them a country, they would have come in 4th overall.

We are working with the Russian Academy of Sciences on the harvesting and extraction process today. THERE IS NO BETTER PRODUCT TO HELP ELIMINATE THE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF STRESS. T-Cell counts go up, immune system is stronger, focus is better, sleep better, disposition is better, increased strength, faster recovery times, and an all encompassing feeling of better wellness.

Combined with the miraculous sea plant known as Tongan Limu Moui, we have formulated Limu Plus to address the worldwide stress and health level. This full potency formula has a nucleus of the 6 most powerful adaptogens blended with full strength Tongan Limu Moui, the finest aloe vera, nutrient filled sea vegetables, life giving enzymes, essential minerals and many other nutrients. You only need to take 1 ounce per day of this very special Limu Plus formula to experience the difference.

Professional baseball, football, hockey, soccer, track, and karate stars have been quietly taking adaptogens for decades. Vitacorp is now taking them to the masses in new Limu Plus!


Adaptogens, Stress and Cortisol

Limu Plus contains a specialized blend of Russian Adaptogens that have a unique impact on Cortisol (what some call the stress hormone) which enables the body to better adapt to life's stress causing events.

The following report written by Dr. Vladimir Sprygin PH.D, Principal Scientific Fellow, Department of Biochemical Technologies at the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a technical overview of the impact of Adaptogens on Cortisol and thus on stressors...

Adaptogens: How They Help the Body Address Stressors

Limu Plus contains Russian Adaptogens. These adaptogens have been studied for decades for their unique ability to help the body address life's stressors.

In this report, Dr. Vladimir Sprygin, Ph.D., principal Scientific Fellow Department of Biochemical Technologies at the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences reports on how adaptogens relates to the work of Selye (a Canadian doctor considered to be the "Father of Stress") and 16 other studies on adaptogen's impact on the body.

Adaptogens and Sports

Limu Plus contains Russian Adaptogens that have been attributed to assisting Russian Olympians and other athletes with their performance capabilities.

In this report, Dr. Vladimir Sprygin, Ph.D., Principal Scientific Fellow, Department of Biochemical Technologies at the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of sciences reports on research that shows the impact of adaptogens on the energy, oxygenation ability, restoration after performing, enhanced level of training potential and on many other of the physiological responses necessary for superior athleticism.

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